DOPT Orders on Rotational Transfer Policy

DOPT Orders on Rotational Transfer Policy

Rotational Transfer Policy

Rotational Transfer Policy (RTP) applicable to CSS officers

DOPT released the office memorandum No. 21/2/2009-CS.I(P) dated 24th January, 2020 : Rotational Transfer Policy applicable to CSS officers – Modification

The competent authority has now approved the following modifications/ additions in the Rotational Transfer Policy of CSS Officers:

(i) Para-12 (Officers returning from deputation/ long leave/ long term training etc.) of the existing RTP guidelines is modified and replaced as under:

Posting of Officers of CSS on return from Deputation /Long Leave/ Long Term Training

An ASO/SO/US/DS/Director returning from Deputation/ Long leave / Long Term Training will be posted to any Ministry/ Department based on the Administrative exigencies, with the approval of the Competent Authority. In such cases this posting will be treated as a fresh tenure. In case it is decided that an officer is to be posted back to the same Ministry / Department he last served, then his tenure will be limited to the balance period of the tenure prescribed for the grade subject to the availability of the vacancy and subject to the condition that at least one year of balance tenure is left.

A new sub-clause is added to para 14 (Preference for Posting) of the existing RTP guidelines to the effect that:

(f) The transferring out of Officers working in Establishment Office, DoPT will be done only with the concurrence of Establishment Officer (EO). The DoPT Administration will consult the EO and maintain a list of such Officers, ready to be sent to CS Division as and when RTP exercise is taken up.

(g) Any Officer who is not clear from vigilance angle and who may/may not be due for transfer under RTP may be transferred out in case a report is received from the concerned Ministry/ Department. Such an Officer will be posted to a non-sensitive post in any Ministry/ Department without seeking his option for posting irrespective of the tenure of his posting in that Ministry/ Department. No preference will be sought from such officer.

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Rotational Transfer Policy (RTP) applicable to CSSS officers

DOPT released the Office Memorandum No. 9/01/2020-05.II (A)(CN 3153489) dated 29th June 2020 : Rotational Transfer Policy (RTP) applicable to CSSS officers – Modification thereof

The competent authority has now approved the following modifications/additions in the aforementioned Rotational Transfer Policy dated 22.07.2015 as given below:

(i) Para No. 11 (officers returning from deputation/long leave/long term training etc.) of the existing RTP guidelines is modified and replaced as under:

An officer returning from deputation, long leave long term training will be posted to any Ministry/Department based on the Administrative exigencies, with the approval of the Competent Authority. In such cases this posting will be treated as a fresh tenure. In case it is decided that an officer is to be posted back to the same Ministry/Department he last served, then his tenure will be limited to the balance period of the tenure prescribed for the grade subject to the availability of the vacancy and subject to the condition that at least one year balance tenure is left.

(ii) Para No. 13 (Preference for posting) Two new sub-paras are added after para 13(f) as below:-

(g) The transferring out of Officers working in Establishment Office, DoP&T will be done only with the concurrence of Establishment Officer (ED). The DoP&T Administration will consult the ED and maintain a list of such officers, ready to be sent to CS Division as and when RTP exercise is taken up

(h) Any officer who is not clear from vigilance angle and who may/may not be due for transfer under RTP may be transferred out in case a report is received from the concerned Ministry/Department. Such an Officer will be posted to a non-sensitive post in any Ministry/Department without seeking his option for posting irrespective of the tenure of his posting in that Ministry/ Department. No preference will be sought from such officer.

Click here to download this office memorandum



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